Wednesday, September 06, 2006

- about Before, After... and Now -

Life is a wonderful mystery itself.Picasso used to say "Art is a mediator between this strange hostile world and us".In order to entirely understand Art I would say it is highly recommended to accomplish knowing something about the artist.Unfolding an artist's life mystery can,must and should be a unique experience wich might as well turn our narrow vision concerning a particular artist into a row of unexpected revelations,an enlightning disclosure of facts and situations,or even a metaphysical reasoning perhaps with no material form or substance,rather more like an iconic display of transformations,qualitative changes,probably the conversion of the artist's syntatic structure into another related syntatic structure,a translation of a lifetime scene onto a two-dimensional surface.
Therefore to be able to fully understand Antonio Pessoa's NEW ERA,one should take the wise option of going backwards a few years and go through the pleasurable trouble of analyse the components and essential features of Antonio Pessoa's real motives and motivations,analyse the evidence of his life and work,a very good subject to psychoanalytical treatment in the particular case of a contemporary genius such as Antonio Pessoa.
Maybe a little effort is required but worth the time one might spend in the stimulating process of doing so.
In so doing we certainly shall come a whole lot closer to the general idea and soul of Antonio Pessoa's latest period and furthermore one of Antonio Pessoa's most interesting changes of light,style,stamp,art vision,inner perception and performance.

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