Friday, February 15, 2008

New Line

Antonio Pessoa

New Line
Oh,my God!He did it again!He walks again along the boulevard of contemporary art's cutting edge,bouncing with vigorous invention,far beyond the bounds of expected reasonable possibilities,now coming up with this astonishing autogenesis,charming and wonderfully absurd,screaming colors disturbing the standardized patterns of the on-going tendencies,resembling some sort of special effects sensational circus number,a striking explosion of raging artistic headlines,whatever,shockwaves of hiper chromatic flash,loud and sustained,shrill and piercing,animated gifts switching to moving thingies,or so it seems,downright overwhelming for any tolerant viewer's eyes,like mustard mix with reddish and a whole lot of stripes! Narrative powders,striking impressions all over this tempting flavors shocking shimmery festival! Should the present approach be viewed as a first step towards obtaining universal recognition or must this be interpreted as the historic golden keys to open the doors to the seven templates before divine madness? Antonio Pessoa's maddening prodigy of composition,promising artistic isotopic lunacy,colors entering the canvas like a visual adaptation on some Stanley Kubrick conceptual orgy,or a Steven Spielberg script digitized and reconstructed in a indelibly haunting endlessly fascinating gallery of adhesive transitions,gorgeous enigmatic sentences projecting a strong imperative impact where the required invisible final touch seems long gone to have turned into an intoxicating encore of purposefully passionate variations of wild art action super color magic velocity. Cognitive materials at every crossroad continue as if it has always been there without even the grinding artistic percussion,building up to break down,enter and exit in such a general contrasting visual effect only an artist like Pessoa could possibly come up with.Too much of too much,indeed!Lovely. Antonio Pessoa does it in such a unique way that as far as I am concerned,New Line seems to have no links with any contemporary art current references whatsoever.Daring and new the artist once again proves to be the unquestionable cutting edge of today's art scene. A free man and an independent eccentric art maker,ecclectic in his glamorous lifestyle and proud of his wealthy creativity,provides us systematically with artistic real-time news,as in New Line,more unusual than ever,the pretty boy of today's big time art collectors,invisible to the average citizen yet a growing public phenomenon,Pessoa claims a new area of emotion- oriented fine art,in which the resulting visual effects link him to the top conceptual creators of the new age by laying out the notion that the possibility to accomplish the impossible is merely the beginning of a long-term artistic strategic context and most importantly an artistic wide range communicative attitude. The overpricing of initial art dealers offerings this year,has developed a new somewhat unexpected information concerning Antonio Pessoa's latest oeuvre.His nineties Romantic Period artworks adjustment was therefore inevitable,creating the proper balance,moreover extraordinary results not only in the artist's finantial status but on the whole improving his collaborators team working machine,plus a significant enthusiasm in public relations,spreading fast,as an interchange of fluent dynamics,that degree of global evaluation that appear to occur,very often creating conflicts and contradictions between Antonio Pessoa and the art market coverage areas and promotion campaign that in reality means little or nothing for the artist,at least from his private assumption and his personal outlook of the global context related to the art scene general and sometimes obscure outs and abouts. The hyperconfident Antonio Pessoa astounds with his ability to express directly to the viewers his artistic science,just to turn his back to the tedious art market oscillations,as a good chance and excellent excuse to go back to his studio comfort,exploring the sectors of life he enjoys the most. Despite Pessoa's latest artistic preferences and even model references such as Eugene Brands,represented by Elisabeth den Bieman Dehass,Jacques Bage,Arnold Niessen and Anne Vignal,their artworks available at Galerie Blom,Niklas Anderberg,Robert Brandy,Mario Morunti,plus the amazing Gerard Hendriks,if I'm not mistaken represented by Gallery Chicory...the artist however seems to be moving towards a much more advanced research of what contemporary art can,should be and indeed is,accomplishing its most dominant exuberance and distinguished innovation in the spontaneous cutting edge ideas such as New Line. Antonio Pessoa's sustainable artistic maturity and trajectory,despite being now and then eventually favored at the expense of other artists,such as Chris Berens,Dorien Plaat,Richard Smeets,Joan Miró,Pollock,Harrie Gerritz and Klaas Gubbels,on the whole he is essentially far more original by embracing a awesome new way of art expression where the dominant theme and nature is unquestionably his colors unrestrained movements,perhaps frequently with excessive exuberance,although wisely mitigated by his outstanding drawing skills and composition unique possibilities,another dominant significance highlighting the progress of his imagination grandeur and inevitably seeking to enforce the general public concept of what contemporary expression should be as part of today's world actions and reactions. The evaluation and significance of hyperchromatic New Line,should after all be left to the personal judgement of the viewer,like an overpigmented fine art atlas,a subjective document where the eye and perception increase their depth of focus and interpretation. If the artist's intention was indeed to create art-abstract with suggestive keywords or hidden messages or even,shall we say,top classified information,theoretically that could stand for a tricky way of harmless playful perversion,meant to inhibit the viewer diagnosis and in so doing forcing a further challenge to the brain cells or a double focused approach on the look out for a suitable meaning possibly present somewhere across the different components of such a nutritious composition. This balanced weighing up of evidence and meaningful content might be as well Antonio Pessoa's need of hope to challenge the viewer attempt to collect some self-reflection using the painting as a mirror,like a wall art made to test the viewer's capacity to exercise introspection or otherwise,to transcend the philosophical limits and thereby start questioning the artist's intentions,secret profile. What one can feel and do before this intense color traffic jam is one of the interesting adventures any art lover can come across,standing still in a crowded art show opening night,or at the home-sweet-home privacy as any serious art collector should. My educated intuition and viewpoint whisper in my ear that very probably,knowing the artist as I actually do,that the law of attraction - even dismissed the ultimate need for scientific proof - might as well be playing an interesting role as far as this masterpiece titled New Line is concerned. So it might happen that indeed Antonio Pessoa's dominant thought during the making of New Line,was actually telling him that he attracts into his oeuvre reputation whatever he thinks about.This subliminal message might have been the hypnotic motivation I know he has,that the wholesome of his latest and upcoming oeuvre should and must attract the New Line of art collectors.What do you know! For so very often without sharpness of edge or point Antonio Pessoa art expression can be as direct and outspoken,some other times the artist takes the opposite option,not led by any circumstances changes,but as a delicious solution for a specific artistic strategy,delivered free,nevertheless keeping for himself a whole great stock of valuable explanations and most importantly a relevant amount of private classified information. And that's as much out in the open the artist's inner self configuration manual goes. The artistic impact hides the undiscovered master of art fiction,a dimension of privacy not even celebrity interviews nor steady gossip manage to guess let alone figure out what's behind the New Line!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Exposição de pintura . António Pessoa ~~ Suites Alba Resort & Spa - Algarve . Portugal

Suites Alba Resort & Spa
Praia da Albandeira apto. 1025
Carvoeiro ~~ Algarve ~~ Portugal
tel . 00351 282 380 700

Exposição de pintura . António Pessoa
Primavera e Verão

Parece que afinal de contas o artista consegue fazer prevalecer a sua vontade,dando-se a conhecer um pouco mais no seu próprio país.
Pois,vejamos se para a pintura tem demonstrado ter engenho e arte para dar e vender,faltava tirar a prova dos nove,se ainda assim António Pessoa conseguia convencer Vicente Fernández Lago,a decidir-se finalmente a divulgar de uma forma mais adequada,a sua obra em terras lusas.
O Sr.Fernández Lago,apesar da fama que tem de ser um homem teimoso e muito fiel aos seus caprichos,no que se refere a António Pessoa felizmente sempre parece fazer uma pausa na sua obstinada natureza,concedendo ao artista,por respeito,por hábito e também às vezes até por distração,essa cedência por influência de uma simpatia moral e vamos lá vêr,até mesmo pragmática.
E o resultado começa a estar à vista com três "long play"exposições simultâneas e outras que tantas já programadas para esta temporada
de Primavera-Verão na bela Galiza.
António Pessoa precocemente reformado,que é como quem diz,como se sabe,porém pelo menos na sua atitude e modelo de vida dá visiveis sinais de estar bem onde está, restringindo o seu circulo de amigos intimos ao minimo imprescindivel e desta forma preservando uma certa qualidade social,que não só o inspira e o enriquece espiritualmente,como o vai por assim dizer protegendo de más influências e de interferências
Intrinsecamente desinteressado por questões mundanas como fama,dinheiro,compromissos sociais cerimoniosos e acima de tudo cada vez mais insensível ao ritmo estupefaciente das grandes urbes,Home Studio-Antonio Pessoa reveste-se cada vez mais de uma atmosfera de trabalho plástico,silêncio e pensamento,estudo,análise politica e social,invenção,lazer e contemplação.

Esta exposição patente ao público todos os meses de Primavera e Verão adapata-se bastante ao critério estético e até climático de António
Pessoa,artista bastante habituado à atmosfera da Dolce Vita do sul da Peninsula desde a sua adolescência,apesar de ter vivido seis anos entre Londres e Amsterdam.
Ainda que Worlwide seja um projecto que lhe vai exigir ceder e abdicar do conforto semi-tropical no qual se encontra como um peixe dentro de água,para enfrentar-se à turbulência de cidades como Nova Iorque,Chicago,Los Angeles,Dallas e até mesmo em sua casa,Barcelona,facto que verdade seja dita para o artista consiste muito mais em sofrimento do que em prazer,António Pessoa faz o sacrificio e toma inteiramente a responsabilidade perante si mesmo e naturalmente perante os muitos colaboradores que dependem e vivem exclusivamente do e para o projecto.
Obviamente ainda sem certezas concretas é contudo muito possivel que o pintor português venha durante estes meses de Primavera e Verão
a marcar algumas vezes presença neste paraiso algarvio,obviamente dependendo também da sua voluminosa agenda.
Tendo sido sempre a sua região favorita em Portugal,onde o artista já viveu e passou longas temporadas desde a sua adolescência,o Algarve
continua a provocar-lhe essa sensação de bem-estar e êxtase o que muito provavelmente pode significar que de facto apareça por aí,quanto mais não seja para dar um ar da sua graça.
Sém dúvida que vale a pena se a alma não é pequena,pegar na familia,meter-se no Popó e vir até cá aos belos Algarves,claro está no Carvoeiro,Suites Alba Resort & Spa,em jeito de férias e naturalmente com os sentidos apurados para visualizar uma das colecções hoje em dia,mais representativas das artes plásticas portuguesas.

Veronica Amaral

Sunday, April 08, 2007

WorldWide - Antonio Pessoa - Uma Mega - Performance !

WorldWide - Antonio Pessoa - Uma Mega - Performance !

WorldWide - António Pessoa

Uma Mega-Performance !

Como já estava previsto,WorldWide - António Pessoa, já está em andamento e pelos vistos a alta velocidade!
2007 ao que tudo indica vai ser um ano de intensas negociações e de
intensa actividade a todos os niveis para o genial artista português.
De momento nada está agendado e nada especialmente programado.
De facto este é o interessante ponto da questão,o qual parece ter o artista bem estimulado na perspectiva de novas aventuras e de contactos com nova gente.
Como se de um filme de suspense se tratasse,WorldWide - António Pessoa , promete ter todos os ingredientes de uma mega-produção de Hollywood.E aseguro-vos que a coisa não é para menos como aliás muito brevemente vamos ter a oportunidade de verificar.
António Pessoa com o apoio da sua colossal equipa de colaboradores,
da qual eu me orgulho de fazer parte e de nela desempenhar um papel
importante,mais a crescente adesão ao seu Projecto por comentadores e jovens criticos de Arte de várias nacionalidades;tem mais que pernas para andar nesta nova aventura euro-americana,na qual os principais actores vão ser nada mais nada menos que os directores das Top galerias de arte.
Os figurantes,por assim dizer,o Grande Público,coleccionadores de arte,criticos,art reporters desde Nova Iorque até à Costa do Pacifico,West Coast.Nos States,António Pessoa,por romantismo ou por simples estética ambiental,mantém a sua predileção por sitios como Santa Fe,New Mexico,
San Francisco,California,West Hollywood,Los Angeles.
Chicago e Manhattan,talvez o mal necessário para um artista habituado
ao sol e às palmeiras de Barcelona,Marbella e Ibiza.
Mas nem tão depressa minha boa gente.
Worldwide - António Pessoa , começa já aqui no país vizinho com especial incidência em Madrid e Barcelona,Europa,Paris,Suiça,Alemanha
e como não podia deixar de ser, Holanda,o país onde António Pessoa
viveu durante seis anos e decididamente (apesar do clima!) um dos seus
lugares favoritos em todo o mundo.
Quanto a Portugal,sempre a mesma velha história,a coisa permanece em semi-mistério que é para não dizer em Stand By ou mesmo adormecida.Vicente Fernández Lago,acaba por fazer a vontade ao artista,
tendo já em agenda várias exposições em bons hoteis.António Pessoa,
apesar de tudo,não deseja que Portugal fique em segundo plano.
Contudo o seu stock de obra,felizmente cada vez mais reduzido,não faz milagres e há que fazer uma considerável ginástica para que por aqui ninguém fique de lágrima no olho.
A aparente falta de interesse que António Pessoa mostra por Londres é
ainda um enigma por desvendar,porém segundo revelações dispersas do artista,é muito possivel que de facto esteja a guardar o melhor para o fim.
Então,em última análise não será de falta de interesse do que se trata.
Seria bem mais coerente concluir que António Pessoa conhece profundamente os circuitos do mercado de arte contemporânea e por
conseguinte consciente do grau de exigência de Londres.Naturalmente
o artista português reconhece(e que remédio!) que ainda tem que comer muita broa para competir com Degas,Pablo Picasso,Renoir,Turner,Vincent
van Gogh,Francis Bacon,Juan Gris,Matisse e Chagall.
Londres terá forçosamente que ser o último patamar desta longa escadaria?Pergunto eu.Só mesmo o futuro nos dirá.
Entretanto,Worldwide António Pessoa, faz os seus últimos ensaios
pronto para subir ao palco para a maior performance até hoje do artista português.
Muito provavelmente uma história de cortar a respiração e que ainda vai dar muito que falar e fazer correr muita tinta.Para isso aqui estamos.
E como se costuma dizer,que seja o que Deus quiser.

Luis Santiago

Sunday, March 25, 2007

El Movimiento se demuestra andando - Antonio Pessoa . 2007

Antonio Pessoa . 2007

El Movimiento se demuestra andando !
Trás todos estos años de experimentos a todos los niveles,plásticos,
culturales,sociales y personales,quince años como artísta profesional,
cinco felices años en tierras gallegas y los últimos años viviendo y enamorandose de Barcelona,experimentando (y disfrutando!)los olores de
Chicago,Nueva York y Londres,volviendo a Amsterdam como que pactando con su adolescencia...Antonio Pessoa se despierta de un sueño tumultuoso y de un tirón se traslada a una tranquilidad interior,a una nueva organización anímica,emocional,artística.
Sin pausa,aunque hoy por hoy decididamente sin prísa,hay um hombre que en hora buena puede permitirse el lujo de elegír la situación más adecuada a su forma de trabajar,a su forma de estar en el Arte,al fin y al cabo de como va por la vída.
La clase de artísta atípico que para muchos galerístas a lo mejor puede que resulte relativamente duro de pelar,no por arrogancia u soberbia sino por un implacable conocimiento de si mísmo,de su voluntad,del complejo laberínto del mercado,del valor artístico de su Obra y Proyecto,de su cotización global,consciente de lo que desea como modelo de vida,família,trabajo de equipo y felicidad.
El movimiento se demuestra andando!
Antonio Pessoa a la hora de elegir (lo que sea!),se basa en sus propias convicciones,fruto de una experiencia en diversos domínios,lo cual le ha-por asi decírlo-suministrado una envidiable sabiduría,paz de espíritu y
indudablemente,autonomía y autoridad.
Sin embargo,un hombre que sígue fiel a la humildad de todos los sabios,Antonio Pessoa aplasta el despotismo con soberania mientras abarca con desconcertante naturalidad la amplitud de la tolerancia humana universal.
En este sentido se puede decír que él es un profesional que sabe sacar partido de su desarrollo personal reflejando a través de su Obra toda la metafísica de su condición como ciudadano del mundo.
Casi se puede predecír a ciencia cierta que de hecho toda esta erudición
de carácter y personalidad solo puede apuntar y conducir hacia un camíno,la Gran Obra Universal Historica.
Antonio Pessoa,un profeta de la Nueva Era!

Pierre Fontanals

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Antonio Pessoa . Best Of

Coming up pretty soon, Antonio Pessoa - Best Of very probably is going to be indeed his best site ever , for it happens the artist seems to be willing at last to let out in the open some of his private life enlightening and astonishing disclosures and even secret unspeakable descriptions.
A very serious project and again a very serious selection of Antonio Pessoa's artworks from 1997 to 2007 - the best of his amazing, somehow controversial watercolors,the best of his unique Black and White album where his drawing skills speak for themselves leaving us very often speechless for his Great Master technique,skillfulness in the command of the fundamental drawing laws of the traditional kind despite the daring subjects and topics he has chosen to pick up back in the late 90's.
Antonio Pessoa's Romantic Period,which needs no introductions whatsoever right now,however available in this site,exhibiting openly in public view particular and outstanding impressions of those six years of bohemian behavior,a multicolored show of restless impatience and eclectic visual form.
Metropolis,Picasso painting Dora Maar,Barcelona 2003 and Chicago 2004,those two intensive years when the angels made way for his worldwide reputation.
At last but not the least,Antonio Pessoa-Best Of lands in 2006 showing the world his most contemporary tendencies with the New Era collection heralding a hot,hot view of colors and shapes,yet eclectic as always from bottom to perfection,continuously drifting off the topic,although strikingly demonstrating the solid stylisation of an experienced talented artist who knows what he is doing.
All I can say right now is...I can't wait.

Anneke Frenken

Antonio Pessoa . New York City

One more time Antonio Pessoa goes for it.This time now with a remarkable sponsored project which points out a definite presence of the luso-spaniard artist right here at the Big Apple.
Manhattan seems to love him-no doubt about it - and very particularly his excellent artwork.The NEW ERA period,Antonio Pessoa's latest discovery- so to speak- knows no boundaries as far as contemporary art is concerned.
Ready,Steady,GO...and the studio wizard comes alive once again,amazing and striking as ever ...and more than ever willing to seduce
the hearts of major american art collectors.
Leaving behind Barcelona,Madrid,Amsterdam,Galitia and Portugal,
Antonio Pessoa is definitely bound for an all american tour,New York City based but after all across the U.S.A.!
Antonio Pessoa's NEW ERA artworks turned out to be a boom in Europe and overseas.Manhattan's 52th street welcomes the artist one more time,only this time now there seems to be no doubt the artist has gained the popularity he has been deserving for quite a long time now.
Antonio Pessoa gives us something to believe in after all these years of contemporary Art STAND BY.
A local idea which began taking place in a small town named Vigo City,
Spain,today comes up as a big worldwide phenomenon about to hit the big time all over the western world.
No matter what's at stake right now,news is Antonio Pessoa is very probably bound for Las Palmas,Canary Islands to settle down.
After all,ladies and gentlemen,the artist sure thing deserves a break and a peaceful sunny rest in the tropical zone.

Anneke Frenken

António Pessoa - Contemporary Plus
O artista luso António Pessoa,a partir de 2006 que sem dúvida parece abdicar das suas velhas influências e interferências,rompendo bruscamente com os tradicionais modelos,mitos e os últimos vestigios da
sua tão polémica,boémia e academica Época Romântica,1997-2002.
Barcelona,foi desde 2002 o principio do seu Stand By necessário,o seu periodo de reflexão,consagração no país vizinho,um progresso mais que evidente a nivel de maturidade pessoal e um acumular de experiências,
tudo isto inevitàvelmente culminando numa transformação absolutamente
metamorfósica e justamente,como não podia deixar de ser,absolutamente
drástica no domínio das artes plásticas.
A Nova Era - The NEW ERA, António Pessoa - é precisamente a prova inegável de uma nova tomada de consciência plástica,de intuição cromática e de expressionismo conceptual inovador.
Longe estão os tempos de Atlantis,Vigo e Porto,discotecas,pubs,noites
de boémia e aventuras mas acima de tudo longe estão os tempos em
que António Pessoa ainda vibrava e brindava com os velhos mestres do século vinte,nomeadamente Francis Bacon,Vieira da Silva,Matisse,Picasso
, Dalí,Kandinsky...para não mencionar as desventuradas influências da
retrogada pintura galega.

António Pessoa,despe os trajes das velhas e obsoletas vanguardas e
renasce frescamente exorcisado como se de um novo personagem se
Amaldiçoado por uns e admirado por muitos,o certo é que o artista português promete um futuro artistico,humano,profissional como aliás era
de esperar.
Mais que contemporâneo,António Pessoa dá claramente a entender que as
suas ambições plásticas vão muito mais além do "Fashion",na verdade o
artista decide sem avisar dar um grande salto em matéria de invenção plástica
passando do Neo para o Plus.
Eu,pessoalmente ainda que não surpreendido,pois outra coisa do homem não
se podia esperar,devo no entanto reconhecer- na mesma e precisa medida em que muitos jovens criticos de arte já isto têem como dado adquirido e facto
consumado - que António Pessoa mais do que Veni,Vidi,Vici... ultrapassou-se a
si mesmo com a coragem a que já nos tem habituados e como um dos grandes
portuguêses de sempre!

Luis Santiago

Barcelona, 7/3/2007

António Pessoa,Coração de Leão

António Pessoa,sempre fiel às suas convicções,sempre fiel aos seus enraizados principios de base,não se fazendo de rogar,porque nunca foi aliás o seu estilo nem sequer pretender ser o que não é,fazer o que não lhe compete nem amaldiçoar os anjos porque o mundo está como está,
...mais do que nunca igual a si próprio e mesmo na dúvida da saudável
meta-filosófica-física...seguro de si e de olhos postos no futuro,os pés bem na terra e a Arte no momento presente...
recusa ou ignora propostas ou situações alheias à sua indomável vontade...não certamente por cinismo ou arrogancia,mas sim sobretudo porque ao que tudo indica nada tem a perder,o que pode muito bem significar pura e simplesmente não ter medo de perder...o que nos leva a concluir que na pior das hipóteses ...só pode ganhar!
No fundo e no todo,António Pessoa actua como sempre tem actuado.Imagina um quadro e pinta-o à sua maneira.
"I did it my way" de Sinatra se não fôsse o infeliz anacronismo poder-se-ia pensar que este tema foi escrito a pensar em Pessoa,António Pessoa.
"My way" no entanto ainda pode vir a ser o hino de um artista português
,porque nasceu em Portugal...acima de tudo um europeu,já que Europa
é o seu palco favorito,desde o romantismo de Amsterdam,a cidade que o viu crescer até ao brilho semi-tropical de Barcelona,cidade onde reside
e trabalha .Desde Paris,cidade por onde passou mil e uma vezes e mil e uma histórias até Ibiza,a ilha dos seus amores e aventuras de fins de Primavera.
Porém a questão importante neste momento,é decididamente o seu teimoso pacto com a situação perfeita.António Pessoa rejeita situações mediocres talvez com receio a ter uma indigestão...mas em última análise,o mais certo a bem dizer,é que o artista luso é o prototipo do homem que sabe sempre o que quer.
Aquilo que o torna numa Pessoa dificil ,justiça seja feita à sua reputação,não será certamente um humor de bradar aos céus,mas sim
um Coração de Leão que não se deixa domar nem com chicote e muito
menos com palavras meigas.
Simplesmente António Pessoa inventou um estilo de vida,numa selva de betão,feroz e perversamente ambígua.Por assim dizer,não querendo abdicar da sua invenção,o artista muito frequentemente diz Não!
Ouvir o artista dizer que Sim,muito possivelmente é porque alguém...ou uma situação...abriu-lhe o apetite,abrindo as portas do seu Coração de
A história como sempre continua,na arte,na vida,no mundo,como uma saga infinita,como só um anjo na selva poderia conceber!

Luis Santiago

Barcelona, 10/3/07

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

is this art,yes - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

Antonio Pessoa - is this Art?Yes!!!!!!!!

Antonio Pessoa - is it art ? Yes!!
Antonio Pessoa can be described simply as a fusion of art and design. Ideally suited for art collectors or five stars hotels, Antonio Pessoa designs and creates paintings to reflect any theme or image.Artist & Designer Antonio Pessoa's artworks is high quality contemporary art. Beautifully and elaborately covered in exuberant colours and patterns. Instead of framing his work in the traditional fashion, the artist has taken an unconventional approach. Under his New Era label Antonio Pessoa has created a range of bizarre mixed media accessories with his hand painting talent.
Anneke Frenken

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

think twice and one more time - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

Antonio Pessoa - dances with wolves

I've been getting to know Antonio Pessoa,the man and the artist,more and more since the day we were introduced to eachother ten years ago.
Before that I had been making systematic acquaintances with many artists from all over Europe and America.
Crazy as it seems all of them with no exception whatsoever were,if not victimized by most of the art dealers,at least they were living and working with very little or no control at all upon the situation,almost resigned to the fate of helplessly having to live under pressure and worst of all in some cases going periodically through nervous breakdowns due to the unfair treatment they obviously felt they didn't deserve.
I had seen it so very often and so many times that at a certain point I subconsciously started believing that it was at once one of those unmodifiable rules and roles of the art scene backstage.
My growing friendship with Antonio Pessoa throughout these years gave me the amazing and amusing privilege of actually witnessing some of the best-sellers real life episodes I've ever come across.Antonio Pessoa dealing with art dealers is a must for anyone who fancies high quality theater with a first rate casting,if you get my drift.
Fresh,smart looking,smiling and arrogant as they come ; looser looking,withdrawn and standoffish there they go.
No magic tricks,no use of hypnotic trances,no Commedia Dell'Arte required nor conflicting arguments on bad terms.Just an artist cool as cool can be,listening in respectful silence,while the wolves dance and bark.
For when they stop barking and dancing,next thing they do is waiting for an answer.
Antonio Pessoa breaks the silence and suddenly I hear him talking about the weather,the latest movie he has seen and the striking book he is reading at the moment.
I sit and struggle myself in order to remain quite while a burst of laughter is dangerously growing inside of me.
Nevertheless I'm polite enough to wait till they're gone,the door is closed and then I'm free.

Jacob Kotsky

believe in yourself - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

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Antonio Pessoa ~~ l'enfant terrible

If the artist of the New Era is by now a cool grown up adult,a true experienced life's vet,tasting the privilege of a childish emotional intelligence totally under control,leading a life style unique,a poet enjoying the material world although managing to maintain a daily relationship with the silence and the universe,evaluating the pros and cons of all the metaphysical forces and reasoning,a man with a mission,an abstract mission just like all those who never take nihilism as a doctrine neither concise definition in order to establish a fake meaning to their lives...
...Antonio Pessoa back in his teens was already a blossoming artist although not just yet able to remain quite enough to turn his ideas and fantasies into responsible artwork.
Restlessly wandering all over Europe,the teenager was probably thinking he was living the time of his life and furthermore with God by his side.From London to Greece,from Ibiza to Amsterdam,from Paris to Berlin and even experiencing daring adventures of the One Thousand and One Nights kind along the sands of Morocco,the young boy without even knowing was already digesting the absorbing absurd,already coexisting with the macrocosmic concept of reality.
Antonio Pessoa at the age of fifteen drops high-school to learn music and at the age of eighteen moves first over to London and then to Amsterdam where he settles down his headquarters for several years.
In this stimulating city of Nederlands the young man becomes involved with many experienced dutch artists participating at the same time in many art workshops already establishing the validity of an outstanding talent and a unique style of spontaneous art expression.
Unfortunately his love adventures somehow get him out of the track,taking him to long seasons of absolute idyllic procrastination although in so doing the young artist develops the remote areas of human relations and human basic natural instincts,embracing it as his new perception of reality and self-discovery.
Ten years were still ahead before Antonio Pessoa actually becomes a devoted professional artist for good.

Jacob Kotsky

Monday, September 11, 2006

the canvas fix ~~ Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )


. Art , the communication tool .

Antonio Pessoa and myself we were at a dinner party and suddenly someone asked him the question wich never crossed my mind to ask him.
"Antonio,tell me,how intense is your urgency to paint?"
Antonio Pessoa didn't actually have to give a serious thought about it for so it seems he already had the answer right at the tip of his tongue,wich makes me conclude that the artist had been knowing the answer for quite a long time.
"Art only makes sense to me as long as it enables me to communicate with a great amount of people.If that doesn't happen then I don't need to paint."
It was said and done.The one who came up with that question as far as I can recall kept his mouth shut for the rest of the evening.Nevertheless Antonio Pessoa had just made his point.
So this explains many things,such as Antonio Pessoa's unmodifiable attitude,specifically as far as wide communication is concerned.Therefore the final verdict is that this artist number one priority has always been making Art works to be seen,loved or hated,never mind the good or bad critics,that's not what's at stake,the important is to be there,anytime,anywhere,but making sure to keep Art alive,breathing and preferably in universal circulation.
As a window open out to the world Antonio Pessoa,the artist,lets Art all out in the open,with the open Art vision of an open minded artist.
The New Era is communicating to the world,new and alive,the positive thinking of an artist who does it for the people,definitely a New Era,a new hopefulness for the best and for a better New World!

Jacob Kotsky

Picasso painting Dora Maar 1 ~~ Antonio Pessoa 2000 ( acrylic on canvas )


. Picasso painting Dora Maar .

Being Antonio Pessoa's New Era obviously a result or a conclusion ,more accurately,of his past life and work it's only natural my systematic research carefully setting his life and work upon an analytical balance providing us with a clear vision of what really happened in the mind and soul of an artist,unpredictable as he is,just apparently.
Picasso painting Dora Maar collection is just an example of how Antonio Pessoa periodically,in his reliable,conscious,although unpredictable manner,sporadically shows himself up more rather as a story teller-movie director than simply as a painter.
The relationship between Pablo Picasso and Dora Maar is world wide known.Although a lot of mystery clouds still remain about this strange love affair,it's common knowledge that there has been some serious perversion and contradictory mixed up feelings.Antonio Pessoa takes this subject to the canvas in the year 2000 and later in Barcelona,2004,the artist gives it a second version,coming up with a collection of more than fifty mixed media art works pieces.
Picasso painting Dora Maar by Antonio Pessoa,provides us with some substantial information of how chaotic and how driven by basic instincts this relationship has been.Here,specifically,Antonio Pessoa plays with humour and drama at the same time using on purpose rather shocking colors,probably eager to make sure the lurid details of this love affair had enough explicit definitions in order to turn the first visual impact into an easy understanding digestion.
Any viewer might eventually become slightly bewildered by this collection,nevertheless,definitely a Must in Antonio Pessoa's life and work.

Jacob Kotsky

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Antonio Pessoa ~~ the sun shining down on him

. the sun shining down on him .

One of the most interesting and rather puzzling,amazing aspects about Antonio Pessoa's career - says I and some of his closest friends,for all that matters - was indeed the easy going process of it as though as if a lucky shimmering star has been hanging over his head all of the time.
That could be a possibility,but not very likely if you ask me.
Fact is,Antonio Pessoa since his early twenties has naturally somehow adopted a very unique and particular philosophy about life,leading him to the knowing how to avoid struggle rather than be a part of it.How the artist actually managed doing that,I would say that's something else,the power of will going full steam and the deep genuine belief in our hearts voice after all so it seems,can bring us unexpected compensations and Antonio Pessoa's life and career entirely take the witness stand in order to sustain the evidence and reliability of this wonderful alleged matter of fact.
Maybe,just maybe,his lack of anxiety for social status,his total lack of interest about fame and glory,somehow might have preserved him,furthermore giving the artist the benefit of a winter's shelter while his right hand managed the brush against the canvas,painting the very same virtues of his great merit imagination.
If the sun shined down on Antonio Pessoa's career , and that actually happened still in his late twenties turning him into a well-cared-for artist,opportunity wich he took good-heartedly but most important of all the way he took it,with an untarnished professionalism,excellent gracefulness and obviously with a reasonable amount of hard work to go with it.
In my personal judgement the shimmering star had little or nothing to do with it.Antonio Pessoa's career has been so far a totally natural process as if indeed the mystery of fate has done a good deed to an artist who very probably should even deserve a far better break.

Jacob Kotsky

Friday, September 08, 2006

the Brain - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )


the Black and White album...

... laughing at the world !

Antonio Pessoa's Black and White album - 1997 / 1998 ,
is definitely an impressing collection of more than 500 drawings ( charcoal on paper ) in wich the artist unquestionably prooves to be not only a technical fantastic automatism sketcher but most important of all,in this specific collection of drawings he clearly establishes once and for all the validity of his feverish talent.One actually has to see it to believe it.One by one,Antonio Pessoa in every drawing he did between 1997 and 1998,without knowing,without being aware of it or at least not being too much concerned about it,was as a matter of fact making History.
The Black and White album stands as a proof of a unique capacity of putting down in magnificent drawings the most hidden primary instincts of human nature.
If not necessarily all of them,certainly most of them enter the dimension of life's absurdity,the ludicrous cynicism of a young artist looking at reality beyond rules or prohibitions,like a cosmic flying dark angel laughing at the world although wise enough to disguise himself as an artist and furthermore caricaturing the uglyness with the camouflage of the beauty and the fine arts excellence.
This impressive collection of drawings,is in my humble opinion one of the best charcoal on paper performances easily matching the skills and expertise of a Leonardo DaVinci,Rembrant or Salvador Dali.
More than maybe,because so it seems,Antonio Pessoa's Black and White album 1997 / 1998 was indeed after all the announcement of what was coming next.And this theory is actually prooving to be true for Antonio Pessoa's NEW ERA is clearly heralding that the show is going on!

black and red motion 1 - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

ANTONIO PESSOA ~~ influences

- from Hieronymus Bosch .... to Andy Warhol -

Pensive,might one become when trying to figure out who indeed were the inspiring masters that managed succeeding to leave their stamps into Antonio Pessoa's art work.That could indeed be a grand mystery considering Antonio Pessoa never actually talks about this particular issue,not even revealing a single tiny clue about who were the ones who in fact helped him waddling to the mixed formulas wich became year after year an omnipresence in the whole lot of his striking creations.
Yet again,I would dare to say only a blind couldn't detect here and there or everywhere - for all that matters - unmistakable references leading us directly to names such as Jackson Pollock,Miró,Wassily Kandinsky,Salvador Dali,Marc Chagall,Pablo Picasso,Vieira da Silva,Francis Bacon,Andy Warhol,Leonardo DaVinci,Hieronymus Bosch,and so on and on.
So therefore,on the whole,the process of actually becoming - if not an expert - at least provided with a reasonable perception of who indeed among all of them masters,more or less has in fact influenced,motivated and inspired Antonio Pessoa,the artist,for the past fifteen years,might turn out to be a fullfilling experience.
Unfolding this amazing,although puzzling mystery it is not quite such a big challenge as one might fear at first.Precisely the kees to the answers are printed all over Antonio Pessoa's canvases.One might as well gain a brand-new outlook of the artist's sources of illumination,till reaching the point of helplessly facing a miscellaneous selection of influences wich throughout the years have indeed been feeding Antonio Pessoa's encyclopedic knowledge,multifarious interests,Antonio Pessoa's polymorphic power of invention.

Jacob Kotsky

Thursday, September 07, 2006

black and red motion 2 - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

Antonio Pessoa ~~ ten years after

From 1996 to 2006, Antonio Pessoa goes through one of the most intensive non-stop art work production odyssey,a long wandering systematic total direct action fine arts adventure.In so doing during these ten years voyage across the universe of modern Art,it's world wide known now that Antonio Pessoa actually explored almost every possibility,bringing onto the canvas amazing versions of the twentieth century's artistic tendencies using multiplex operations somehow completing and furthermore,closing the encyclopedism of one hundred years of Art History.
Antonio Pessoa's Romantic Period, 1997 / 2002 is ( or was) one could say,the apotheosis of these ten years of studio action,the excellence of perfection of this kind of methodological process of a year after year daily basis meticulous alchemistical real action to the point of exhausting actually almost all possibilities entirely.
Thereby in order to fully understand Antonio Pessoa's New Era,it is somehow compulsory to take the commitment of binding oneself to a course of analysis of variance concerning specifically these ten years of leaf begonia painting pilgrimage.
The medium brush being the sword of Antonio Pessoa while exorcising the hidden spirits of the Great Masters,eventually led him to very solid conclusions and very abstract doubts as well,after all turning out to be his Art vision today, no special comments required once one becomes familiarized with the background of today's Art expression of the artist,because it clearly seems as if Antonio Pessoa's New Era is defenitely here to stay.

Jacob Kotsky
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

black and red motion 3 ~~ Antonio Pessoa 2003 ( mixed media )

- about Before, After... and Now -

Life is a wonderful mystery itself.Picasso used to say "Art is a mediator between this strange hostile world and us".In order to entirely understand Art I would say it is highly recommended to accomplish knowing something about the artist.Unfolding an artist's life mystery can,must and should be a unique experience wich might as well turn our narrow vision concerning a particular artist into a row of unexpected revelations,an enlightning disclosure of facts and situations,or even a metaphysical reasoning perhaps with no material form or substance,rather more like an iconic display of transformations,qualitative changes,probably the conversion of the artist's syntatic structure into another related syntatic structure,a translation of a lifetime scene onto a two-dimensional surface.
Therefore to be able to fully understand Antonio Pessoa's NEW ERA,one should take the wise option of going backwards a few years and go through the pleasurable trouble of analyse the components and essential features of Antonio Pessoa's real motives and motivations,analyse the evidence of his life and work,a very good subject to psychoanalytical treatment in the particular case of a contemporary genius such as Antonio Pessoa.
Maybe a little effort is required but worth the time one might spend in the stimulating process of doing so.
In so doing we certainly shall come a whole lot closer to the general idea and soul of Antonio Pessoa's latest period and furthermore one of Antonio Pessoa's most interesting changes of light,style,stamp,art vision,inner perception and performance.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

situations - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

Antonio Pessoa - - the contemporary Art wizard

Contemporary Art reviewing requires a daily basis continuous information research.The endless amount of Art galleries and artists increases the difficult task of being more or less up dated and able to have a reasonable general idea,realistic enough to make sense.
In this universe of tendencies one might consider the ultimate possibility of going backwards and sit on the comfortable upholstered chair of the twentieth century Great Masters,such as Francis Bacon,Andy Warhol,Jackson Pollock,Botero,Kandinsky and Picasso.
Nevertheless,new contemporary Art after all provides me with many positive aspects of legitimate artistic expression,such as Antonio Pessoa.
Antonio Pessoa's remarkable talent is very probably one of the most reliable references of contemporary Art.
Totally devoted to his unmutable belief,he naturally manages to keep away of the struggling crowd,being effortlessly admited in the major highest elitist Art circles while his art works get a high rank circulation status of the classic phenomenon in this particular case leading to be part of the new century's Art History.
Despite the good and the bad critics,Antonio Pessoa keeps on the right track simply by following the nature of his belief,taming the monsters with a brave artist's attitude,by simply listening but not too much,apparently immune to the competion's friction,paging the inner mother of invention,and slow and gently printing it on canvas with the amazing mastery of the Old Masters and the easy going charming incantation uniqueness of an experienced contemporary Art wizard.

Jacob Kotsky

miscellaneous - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

ANTONIO PESSOA ~~ The Visual World

The same might be said of his conceptual colors.Here is the jungle,the savannah,the sea or the cosmos,resplendent with colors and shapes,Art in its primal abundance,and sometimes at first we see only chaos,the anarchy of the wild.Look again,however,and a new order begins to emerge,as things that had been hidden from us at first viewing soon begin to reveal themselves.

And again,Antonio Pessoa uses color itself as a foil for his own whimsical investigations into the complex forms that underline the visual world around us.
In so doing,he poses a certain questions: how do the eye and mind interpret what we see,and how does human expression relate to colors own expression?'
Those are complicated questions,but Antonio Pessoa's approach is both serious and playful.
It all begins with a mark of line,for despite years of traditional Art school training as a painter,the direct calligraphic gesture has been at the root of Antonio Pessoa's creative impulse since childhood.

Gaby Hoffman . New York,NY

focus spot - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

ANTONIO PESSOA ~~ Art Fits New Era

It's that concern for movement,wich propels his series of NEW ERA abstracts,art works that reflect a sense of motion and energy.

Antonio Pessoa regards these as analogous to music and the workings of an orchestra in the way he suggests rhythm,while color and shadow give melody.Accents highlight crescendo,and the interior spaces offer rest.

For Antonio Pessoa,his Art fits nearly with his belief that we are all part of a totality in wich everything is part of everything else.

Antonio Pessoa believes in the inter connectedness of life.He sees universe as a kind of web in wich all of our lives are part of the larger system,and therefore no one or the other of us is more important ; we are all vital to it.
We are here to evolve,to move towards the unknown in order to elevate our collective consciousness,in the attempt to become more aware of ourselves and our surroundings.

Gaby Hoffman , New York,NY

Saturday, July 22, 2006

remix - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

summertime joy - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

the secret - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

voyager - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

yellow connection - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

night rider - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

netsacape - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

morning song - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

minemal white - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

interferences - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

hope - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

HelloYellow - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

hair dresser - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

delicious - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

color play - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

at last but not the least - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )

ARTex - Antonio Pessoa 2006 ( mixed media )